Thursday, July 1, 2010

35 Weeks

I am now officially 35 weeks pregnant- and “term” for twins. Joey and I went to the doctor today and they told us I am 1 cm dilated, and 50% effaced. Basically, meaning the same thing we already knew- I could go into labor now, or three weeks from now. Time will tell! I am feeling pretty good, and the babies are still moving around in there a bit. I am experiencing a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, but I am told that is normal. I am now measuring at 42 weeks! My appetite has really seemed to increase in the past week; however my meals are small because I fill up so fast. It is like constantly eating Chinese food- you know you get full, and an hour later you’re hungry again. So I have been eating small meals frequently… it seems to work.

I am really excited because Joey is done with his graduate program tonight at approximately 9pm (but who is counting right?)! Our goal was to not have the babies until after his graduation- and in just a few short hours, we will have made that goal! Yeah boys! Good work- your dad is proud!

This weekend we are planning to relax. I am so excited that Joey gets a weekend where he doesn't have to do schoolwork. Happy Fourth of July!


  1. I ate chinese food last night and almost died from it. Hang in there, the finish line is close!!

  2. Hi Lauren,I hope you won't mind a guy leaving you a comment.When I discovered your blog and saw that AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL pregnant belly you had at 35 weeks,I just couldn't resist complimenting you on it.Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
