Monday, July 26, 2010

38 weeks 6 days- and ready to go!

We are officially 38 weeks and 6 days along, and ready to go!  We saw the doctors today, and they are inducing tomorrow morning.  Yeah!  I am so nervous.  Joey is really excited.  We are going to try to get some sleep tonight, but I know we will both be tossing and turning all night in anticipation. 

Tomorrow is my 27th birthday... I turn 27, on the 27 and if all goes well I will get to share my birthday with Tank and Dozer!  What a great "Golden Brithday!"  Two babies!  Aunt Cheryl Perpetua predicts that we will have two 7lb babies- now wouldn't that just be weird?  I'd have to play the lotto- 27 might be our new lucky number!

I can't wait to post pictures of the boys!  We are so excited to meet them!  Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love through this pregnancy.  We are very blessed to have such great people in our lives!

Joey at week 39- yes that is Oscar under his shirt!!!  Check out his feet!
Momma day before giving birth!

Last dinner together before we meet our boys!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

38 Weeks?!?!?!

I am now officially 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Joey and I are in shock that these boys are still hanging on! We went to the doctor yesterday, and were told that I am now 2cm dilated, 80% effaced, and Tank is still in labor station 0. So I made a little progress, but not enough to go into labor yet. Much to my dismay, the doctor said that there is no medical reason to induce just yet (my mental sanity doesn’t count as a medical reason- I asked). Both Tank and Dozer are healthy boys. We have another appointment on Monday (if we’re still pregnant), and we will schedule induction then if necessary. So until Monday, I am left wondering will these guys ever come or will they continue to hang out in Hotel Uterus forever?

In the meantime, I am trying to stop obsessing and find some inner peace. I want these two little guys to come into a peaceful- not stressed out environment. So I am trying to stop being consumed over when they will come, and enjoy a few days of rest.  The problem is I am just really not a relaxed person... I am type A all the way.  So while I am trying to relax-  please send good “Go into Labor vibes” my way!!!

This is Joey's week 38 picture.  His pregnancy bread has fully grown in.  He is ready to meet his little guys!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

37 Weeks! We Reached Our Goal!!!

I am now officially 37 weeks pregnant! I cannot believe these little guys have stayed put this long! I am so proud because when we first found out we were pregnant with twins, the doctors said try to keep them in there for 37 weeks... and it has been my goal ever since, and WE DID IT! YEAH! All my fears about premature babies have really faded away. I am confident that these little guys will not have to worry about immature lung development. As any expecting mother would, I still have a whole gamut of other issues to worry about, but their lung development is not one of them. YEAH!

So where to now… we’ll it is time for these guys to get the hell out! Just joking, but seriously my thinking has totally shifted from “Stay put” to “Okay- this has been fun little guys, but you’re killing mom’s back. So it is time.” I did the “eviction notice” yoga class last night- but nothing. The doctor yesterday told me I am still only one cm dilated, 75% effaced, and that she would see me next week. UGH! I guess I just wished too hard that they would stay put, and now they are really comfortable. Amber said they must have set-up shop inside, and they are too busy enjoying themselves in their to get out. She might have a point…
So for now- we will be busy waiting, and I have taken a new hobby- evacuation dances. It hasn’t worked yet, but I have a feeling they will get sick of being bounced around. We just can’t wait to meet them. I also noticed that they respond so well to touch. Whenever I or Joey rub my belly they kick us in response. We think it is the cutest thing, but it is probably their way of saying “Leave me alone.” Who knows…
By the way- when Joey and I hug now- it looks like we are at a dance in middle school- the babies are so big we can barely hug!

Time will tell when these little guys make thier big debut!  I have a feeling it will be on Whitney & Brandon's wedding day (which is this Saturday, July 17th).  I am sorry Whit- but if that happens I will never forget your anniversary.  I wish we could be in Philadelphia with you this weekend.  We love you!

Friday, July 9, 2010

36 Weeks and Ready to Pop!

I am 36 weeks along and ready to pop! We had another ultrasound on Tuesday, and got some great news. Tank is a hearty 6lbs, and Dozer is not too far behind at 5lbs 3oz. They are both still head down, and the doc was pretty confident their positioning being great for a vaginal birth. I am still only 1 cm dilated, but now I am 70% effaced. Tank’s head is so low the ultrasound tech told me he is probably going to have a cone head! Hell, if the only thing to be concerned about is Tank’s potential cone head, then I’d say we’re doing pretty well!

Joey graduated! YEAH! We are thrilled that he is done! It was actually a little weird having him around all weekend. But it was really nice! He is psyched.  Below is a picture of at dinner with Karen and Ralph celebrating Joey's success.

I, myself, have become a spectacle. Everywhere I go people just stare. The recent heat wave has really not done me any favors either. I actually had a man at Lowes stop me and say, “Ma-am, I don’t mean you any disrespect, but I sure do hope you’re having twins.” The funny part is this man had a tracheotomy hole in his throat, and he was smoking a cigarette; and I was the one getting the stares?!?! On the same day, a lady at Old Navy told me that when I walked into the store, the associates all talked to each other on their little walkie talkie radios- and said “She’s ready to pop.” I am now getting embarrassed to go out in public! I guess toting around 11lbs of baby in your belly will get you some stares!  Not too mention it makes a great shelf for Oscar to sit on!

We have our next appointment on Tuesday, so we will see what happens. Part of me is hoping I deliver before then, and the other part of me would be happy to see 37 weeks… I guess I really don’t get to decide. It is up to these two little boys. Joey just reminded me that since the beginning of the pregnancy, carrying to 37 weeks has been my goal. I can’t believe it is so close! 37 weeks would be great, however I will admit that if I am still pregnant at 38 weeks, I will have to do an evacuation dance of some sort- I don’t know about toting around 14+lbs of baby! My back aches just thinking about it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

35 Weeks

I am now officially 35 weeks pregnant- and “term” for twins. Joey and I went to the doctor today and they told us I am 1 cm dilated, and 50% effaced. Basically, meaning the same thing we already knew- I could go into labor now, or three weeks from now. Time will tell! I am feeling pretty good, and the babies are still moving around in there a bit. I am experiencing a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, but I am told that is normal. I am now measuring at 42 weeks! My appetite has really seemed to increase in the past week; however my meals are small because I fill up so fast. It is like constantly eating Chinese food- you know you get full, and an hour later you’re hungry again. So I have been eating small meals frequently… it seems to work.

I am really excited because Joey is done with his graduate program tonight at approximately 9pm (but who is counting right?)! Our goal was to not have the babies until after his graduation- and in just a few short hours, we will have made that goal! Yeah boys! Good work- your dad is proud!

This weekend we are planning to relax. I am so excited that Joey gets a weekend where he doesn't have to do schoolwork. Happy Fourth of July!