Sunday, September 19, 2010

7 weeks old!

 The boys are seven weeks old!  We have had a lot of fun these past few weeks. Let's see...Aunt Elli came in from Florida to meet her "non-biological" nephews.  They survived their first road trip to Philly, and met their family. They took their first swim class, have been going weekly to a play group, and even had their first massage (yes you read it correctly- I wrote massage).  With all this activity, the twins are really starting to express their little personalities.   We have come to know Austin as "nature boy."  He loves to be outside.  He stares at the trees, loves the sun, and watches the birds.  Austin was totally into the infant massage class.  He was completely relaxed, and spent most of the class stretching and coo-ing. He is like a little yogi/hippie boy. Tyler on the other hand, is well, how can I put this... he is a little rougher around the edges.  He enjoyed the infant massage- but was a little skeptical.  He furrowed his brow the entire time, but didn't protest too much.  It was like he enjoyed the massage despite himself...  He is our little tough guy.  We also took the boys to a Mommy and Me swim class.  They loved it!  Tyler fell asleep the whole time.  I think the warm water relaxed him.  Austin was awake, but content to be in the pool.   It was really a lot of fun.  Mommom Kantruss came too- and she seemed to have fun as well. 

Daddy has been teaching the boys to love football.  They have cheered on their cousin Brandon, and the Delaware Blue Hens, and they won!  They also cheered on Pitt- but apparently they were not as lucky for Pitt as they were for Delaware.

Below are a few pictures from the last few weeks...

Aunt Elli, Mommy and the boys at Jefferson Vineyard

Austin, Tyler, and Rylan with their GG (Great Grandma) and Pops (Great Grandpa)

Austin and Tyler with Aunt Renee and Uncle Mark

Daddy and boys watching the Pitt game

Tyler at play group with his girlfriend- Alexis... they met during tummy time!

Cousin Matt with Tyler

Aunt Ash with the boys



Austin and Daddy sleep in!