Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Haircut!

Well... we did it!  We finally got the boys their first haircut!  Last week, while Mommom Kantruss was in town visiting, we took the boys to "Snip Its" a kids salon.  First, we treated them to lunch, then Target for some new toys (we needed bribing ploys), then finally to the hair salon!  I, of course, forgot my camera, but the day was saved when a dear friend that I work with showed up unexpectedly to take some pictures.... (Thank you Peter)

In order to make sure the boys sat still during the cut, I had to hold each of them.  Tyler, was pretty easy.  He was distracted by his new favorite thing, a "pop", which is Tyler code for a lollipop.  My lil man has such a sweet tooth.  He just sat and stared at himself in the mirror the entire time... giving his reflection his classic smug mug.  It was really entertaining!  Austin, on the other hand, was not as easily amused.  He wanted nothing to do with the whole experience.  He really doesn't respond well to being held against his will.  He wanted to out of the seat before we even sat down.  You see, "Snip Its" has a giant train table in the front of the salon, and all Austin wanted to do was play...  Luckily for us, the hairdresser managed to cut his long locks quickly, without sniping an ear! 

Although Austin didn't cooperate during the hair cut, he was like a new kid after.  His hair was so long, I don't think he could see very well.   Now that it is out of his eyes, it is like he is seeing the world for the first time.  When we got home, he was walking around examining each of his toys like he had never seen them before- probably because he couldn't see through his hair!   Poor kid- we waited too long to get it cut!

Below are a few pictures that my friend took...  oh and yes, I did save a lock of each of their hair!  (My lil babies are just getting to be so big)

"Who's that good looking guy in the mirror?"

"You think I am smiling, but I am about to melt..."

Friday, January 27, 2012

Chef Austin

 Hi! Happy January is almost over:) i just wanted to write a quick post to tell you about my lil chef, Austin... Recently we have been filling our days with things to do inside.  My favorite activity to do is allow the boys to make me "dinosaur stew."  Austin really gets into it. He takes the dinosaur magnets off the refrigerator, puts them in a big pot and stirs.  Tyler tries to help out, but Austin takes his cooking very serious!!  Hopefully we will progress to more interesting/tasty recipes soon (car casserole anyone?)



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a great holiday season!!  As I mentioned in my last blog entry, we started new family traditions this year.  We stayed at home for Christmas eve and Christmas morning.   A few weeks before Christmas, Joey and I decided to refinish our kitchen ourselves.  (We just might be crazy). We (mainly Joey) spent the two weeks before Christmas re-staining the cabinets, resurfacing the counter-tops, upgrading the floor, and painting the walls.  We basically lived in dust, and it was a bit annoying because the boys were confined to the upstairs.  Fortunately, we finished the project just in time to celebrate Christmas in our new kitchen.  I must give all the credit to Joey because he really worked so hard, and it turned out awesome. 

Christmas eve was just beautiful.  It was small- only the four of us and, Grammy, Pap, and Grandma, but joy in the room outshone the amount of people there.  The boys played all afternoon, and I thoroughly enjoyed cooking dinner in my new kitchen.  We tried to incorporate things from both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia traditions... for example we had pierogies and crab cakes (Philly), and a huge cheese plate and shrimp (Pittsburgh).  The boys ate steak for the first time, and both seemed to really enjoy it.  More than the steak, they really seemed to enjoy the fact that we were all eating together at the table.  Joey and I often feed the boys their dinner, and then eat dinner our after they go to bed.  I was actually surprised on Christmas eve to see how happy the boys were to be a part of the dinner table.  It just amazes me how it is the smallest thing, and something I take for granted (sitting next to each other at the dinner table), but it just thrilled the two of them to be able to touch mom and dad as they ate at their highchairs.  It is this intense purity and excitement that I see in my boys that makes motherhood so rewarding.  It doesn't happen often, but it is so cool to re-appreciate things and experience "firsts" through their eyes.  Maybe it was the wine I was drinking, but I found myself getting emotional over their reaction.  Needless to say, one of my goals for 2012 is to have more family dinners together. 

Christmas morning was really quite relaxed.  The boys got up at normal time (about 7:30) and we fed them bottles.  Because they really didn't know what was going on, they seemed a bit confused that we were so excited to rush them downstairs, and show them their gifts.  After we slowly opened one gift, Tyler got the hang of it, and wanted to open more.  Austin, on the other hand, was more interested in playing with his toys than opening gifts... but he did come up with a new phrase; "Oh cool!"   He said it quite a bit as he opened his Christmas gifts. 

We spent Christmas day at Grammy and Pappy's, and they boys were surprised with a train table.  After seeing the train table, Austin did not care about any other gifts... he was in heaven.  He went round and round in a circle just pushing his little trains on the track.  Tyler on the other hand was happy to unwrap all the presents for the two of them. 

The boys really love match box cars.  Pappy, fortunately had kept all Joey's old matchbox cars from when he was a little boy.  Lucky for us, we inherited a box of cars- all fluorescent 1980s colors.  Would you believe out of all the toys the boys got for Christmas- those neon matchbox cars are their favorite?  It figures!!!  Tyler has one car in particular he loves, a white Jeep that says "Kool Aid" in hot pink letters on the side.  He finds that car everyday, and has to carry it around with him.  He even sticks his green beans in the trunk at dinner... he is my little comedian. 

We were lucky to spend New Years with lots of family... mom-mom & pop-pop Kantruss, Aunt Deb, Uncle Dave, and Brittany all came to visit.  We had a great time and the boys really enjoyed their visit.  Austin melted mom-mom's heart with his new "Oh cool" phrase, and Tyler put on a few shows for everyone doing his "Italian rant."  It was all and all a great time!  

I always find it hard to recover from the holidays- it's like all of a sudden things go from feeling warm and and joyful to well- January.  I don't mean to offend anyone who loves January- but let's just say it is not my favorite month.  So to combat my winter blues, I am trying to stay focused on the boys, their many firsts, and the pure joy it brings them when they discover something new. 

Okay-I just realized I have been blabbing on and on... here are a few videos and pictures to enjoy.  Man, I just love these lil buggers.