Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas Baby (s)!

Well it's that time of year again- the most wonderful time of the year!  This year we were supposed to be in Pittsburgh for Christmas, but after a lot of thought and careful consideration we have decided to stay in Charlottesville.  It is really hard when you have family that lives so far away.  We will miss our friends and family in Pittsburgh so much and look forward to seeing them soon, but I think as the boys get older they will look forward to waking up Christmas morning in their own beds.  So- we are starting to make our own Christmas traditions.  One tradition that we started last year is our annual trip to see Santa Claus!  I was a bit hesitant this year because I knew the boys would cry, but to my surprise only Austin seemed to put up a fight...

If you look closely at the photo- you will see that Tyler has his horse with him.  Tyler found that horse at his mom-mom and pop-pop's house when we visited for Thanksgiving.  Out of all the many many toys mom-mom and pop-pop had for the boys to play with, Tyler kept finding the little rubber horse.  At the end of our weeks visit, he decided he was hijacking the horse.  So now he lives with us, and is rarely out of Tyler's reach.

I also enjoy this photo because as you will notice that while Austin is ready to rocket launch off Santa's lap, Tyler has made himself quite comfortable.  Yeah- his hand is behind his head- he is relaxing.   "Hey Santa- how you doing?"

In addition to starting new Christmas traditions, we were also fortunate enough to spend some time in Philadelphia with the Kantruss/Gosik side of our family.  Thanksgiving was beautiful.  The boys had a blast hanging out with their cousins, and were quite spoiled by their aunties!! 

On a hayride in Aunt Deb and Uncle Dave's lawn!

In addition, this past Thanksgiving also marked the five year anniversary of my sister Amber's SURVIVAL of her stroke and heart attack.  The actual anniversary of that dreadful day was the day before thanksgiving.  This year, we were fortunate enough to spend it with Amber and her sons.  I must admit, I got a little teary eyed as Amber and I were standing in her kitchen preparing lunch for the kids...   If you would have told me five years ago that we would be preparing lunch for our four lil munchkins, and in pretty good health, well- let's just say my response would have been "Not possible!"  But- life is full of surprises, and in our case- it was a good surprise.  I am so extremely grateful to have shared this day with my sister.  I am so extremely grateful for her health, my nephews, and my boys.  Words cannot express my pure gratitude... but this picture just about sums up how perfect that day was...

If you notice in the background it says "Believe" - funny uh?   

Well as we are trying to get preparing for the upcoming holidays, I find it hard not to get caught up in the hype... I need to remind myself to take a deep breath and cherish the moment.  I am so lucky to have such great moments... and as we move into 2012, I hope to make many more memories!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Hi!  First, and foremost I must apologize for taking so long to update this blog!  I have often intended to post something, but despite my good intentions, it just never happened.  So, blog followers (if their are even any left), I am sorry.  I will get better at updating- I promise!

Okay on to the boys... they are growing like weeds.  They are both walking.  Tyler started at 13 months, and Austin at 14 months.  Now that they are mobile lil men, things have gotten really interesting (for lack of a better term).  They have opinions, agendas, and they are generally always busy.  Long gone are the days when we could entertain them for hours with a rattle... now they play with "big boy" toys. 

Austin has discovered his love for cars.  Everything is "car."  I actually think he walked later than Tyler because he was too busy pushing cars around to realize he could stand.  Last night, Joey bought the boys new matchbox cars.  He told them that they could have them when they finished dinner.  Austin immediately gave me the sign for "all done" and demanded to get out of his high chair.  He wanted the car!  You would have thought we gave him a the world.  He was so appreciative and excited to receive a new matchbox car.  He tried to bring it to bed with him.  First thing this morning, he grabbed his car and held it while he drank his bottle.  I think his reaction really warmed Joey's heart, and it is safe to say Austin will be getting many more matchbox car surprises from Daddy. 

Tyler, on the other hand, is really into dinosaurs.  My favorite thing is when he says "Dinosaur!"  He gets so excited, and adds a little growl to the word.  If you ask Tyler what a dinosaur says, he will roar.  It is too cute.  There is a show on TV called Dino Dan.  Actually- come to think of it, it is really an odd show about a little boy who 'sees' dinosaurs.  Despite its oddity, A & T love it!   They watch it every afternoon that they are with Grammy and Pappy. Pappy has even started to record it for them so they can watch it whenever they choose.  (Part of my thinks Pappy also likes the show- but he says he is recording it for the boys).  A & T have even started to ask for the show... they say "Dino Dan!" whenever we turn on a TV.

Both boys are starting to talk.  They say nose, eyes, ears, head, hair, shoe, car, ball, mommy, daddy, tractor, train, etc...  I was told that by 15 months toddlers should know about 5 body parts.  Of course my competitive side got the best of me, and I had to make sure they knew well over 5 body parts.  I quiz them daily.  Whenever they properly identify the basics (eyes, ears, nose, hair, head, teeth), I throw a tricky one in there- like knees... ha- 5 body parts pleeeaazeee... we are up to almost 10. Just kidding- I am not that crazy, but seriously...

So enough jabber.  Time to post some updated photos!
Tyler- so big!

Watching Dino Dan!
Morning run with mom.

Austin- he is so big!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail!

Hi!  It has been way too long since I updated our blog!  So sorry!  A lot has happened in the past few weeks... for starters- Ty guy is basically crawling!  Well-he's army crawling, using only his arms to move around- but hey, he's moving!  Austin is "scooting" backwards... he hasn't quite got the forward motion yet.   It is so fun to watch my lil men try to get around.  I am amazed the Tyler can pull his lower body so quickly... I mean his legs have to weigh about 10lbs- easily half his body weight.

We celebrated our first Easter together as a family.  The Easter bunny even made his grand debut during Easter brunch.   Austin was all smiles for Mr. Bunny, but Tyler- well let's just say he had a different expression.  He gave the Easter bunny his "smug mug."  Which is basically a look that says, "who the hell are you?"  As I watched Tyler stare the Easter bunny down, I could hear the person inside the bunny suit laughing.  Ha- i mean seriously, when was the last time an eight month old gave you a look?  It is quite comical.

We also have had a lot of visitors.  The boys got to spend time with their Aunt Karla, Uncle Gary, Aunt Rochelle, Uncle Ried, Aunt Renee, Mom-mom, Aunt Amby, Aunt Ashes (yes their are two aunt Ash's- Ash Kantruss and Ash Knoch), Aunt Cheryl, & Uncle Doug. Thank you so much for coming down and visiting! You have made lasting memories with the boys!! Thank you!

Well with out further ado... here are a few updated pics!

A very tired Austin!

Great side hair shot!


No hat mommy!

I would rip these bunny ears off if I wasn't too busy eating!

Smug mug!

Here comes Peter Cotton tail!

Easter Sunday!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

7 Months!

I cannot believe it's already March!!!  Time truly flies when you're having fun!  The boys are now 7 months old.  They are practically driving- ha- well not really but they are eating solids, sitting up, and rolling over.  We have come so far!  The other day in Target I got behind a lady in line who had three month old twins.  She was strolling in the same wheels we use to get around- the Double Snap N' Go (thank you April for letting us borrow it), and she seemed excited to see someone with a similar method of transportation.  We exchanged a friendly "hello- how old are your twins?"  And when she told me that hers where 3 months old, I noticed the bags under her eyes... to which I smiled and said "Mine are 7 months, and yes it gets easier."  It felt like I had come full circle because I can clearly remember when the boys were 4 weeks old and I was in Target with the boys and my mom, and the lady behind us had four month old twins.  I remember shouting through the line, "Does it get easier?" and "Are you breastfeeding?"  I was so consumed with trying to master the delicate art of breastfeeding twins- it didn't even occur to me that it was maybe a little awkward for the other Target patrons to hear me scream about tandem feeding twins, and having to use a nipple guard.  This past trip to Target, I was the cool, calm, and collected momma who is still breastfeeding and not screaming about it awkwardly to other strangers (oh yeah- I have to toot my own horn every now and then-toot toot))!

Okay enough about me- the boys- they are doing fabulous.  I think 6-7months is my favorite age so far.  They are not yet mobile so we haven't encountered all those obstacles, but their not lil blobs either.  They have lil personalities, and are exploring and learning new things everyday.  Austin does this thing where he grabs my face and sucks on my chin, and I swear it is him trying to give my a kiss.  (He is probably just hungry and confusing my chin for something else-but one can pretend).  Tyler- oh my Ty- he just melts my heart with his big dimples and his chubby legs.  He gives me a smile, and I swear I crumble.  The boys now have a favorite TV show- "Clifford the Big Red Dog", and a favorite book- "Elmo, So Big".  It is not by chance that both of these lovable characters are red... I think that's their favorite color:)  Anytime they hear the Clifford theme song they stop what they are doing and watch and grin... I know they really shouldn't be watching TV this young, but- well see above about Tyler's dimples.  Man oh man- they smile and laugh- and I will give them anything they want.  (I know I need to toughen up).   This weekend the boys will celebrate their daddy's 30th birthday!  Yes Daddy is getting old:)  Happy Birthday Daddy!  Before long Spring will be here!  We are excited to dust off our jogging stroller and put it to good use!   Below are some pictures of the last few weeks.  Enjoy!

Austin was just lounging with the video camera in his lap

PITT Jackets from Aunt Cheryl Knoch- thank you!!

First Superbowl Sunday!!

The Steelers didn't win- but Daddy couldn't be upset with these two lovable lil men around!

I think he might be getting brown eyes like his daddy!

New favorite toy- the TV remotes- they are staring at the TV because they turned it on!

Austin's first baseball game!  GO ECU!  He got to see his cousin Chris play, and spend some time snuggling with Great Aunt Deb!

Austin cheesing with mom-mom!

Your limo driver awaits...

Tough guy ty... he is a true italian!

Grammy says he looks like a babydoll- I am starting to believe her!

This is my model shot!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

At approximately 3:30pm exactly a year ago, Joey and I found out we were having twins.  I am really nostalgic today... because the day I found out I was having twins, was a important and life changing as the day I found out I was pregnant.  As I sit here and type this blog entry one handed (Tyler is in the other) all I can think about is how extremely grateful I am to have these two amazing boys in my life.  I am humbled daily by how extremely lucky we are to have two healthy boys.  They enrich my life in a way I cannot describe.  Its been almost six months since their birth, and I cannot imagine life without my two lil men. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

First Christmas as a Family

Well we made the long trek to Philadelphia and celebrated a white Christmas (well almost- it snowed the 26th) with the Kantruss clan.  The boys did remarkably well in the car.  Joey, who I affectionately (well sometimes affectionately, sometimes sternly) refer to as "daddy", calls us "The PERPETUA TRAVELING FAMILY CIRCUS."  I think it is a well deserved title after we have been to Pittsburgh twice and Philadelphia once in the last 30 days.  We have all gotten really good at packing... even Austin...

Christmas was great.  The boys got to celebrate their first Christmas eve with the Gosiks.  Tyler was super psyched for the occasion- he even wore a tie...

The boys even got to meet a special guest on Christmas eve...

Austin even showed off his new skill for Santa... holding his own bottle.  (Not too shabby for a 4 month old to hold his own bottle;) )

At the end of the night, the boys went to bed and had sweet dreams about Santa...

They woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5:30AM Christmas morning, ready to open there gifts...  Really?  Well not really- they were actually ready for their 5AM feeding, but hey we can pretend! 

Anyway- Austin was really great at opening.  He was really just trying to eat the paper, but we all start somewhere:)

Tyler was a little more relaxed when it came to the present opening...  He just watched in amazement as Austin ate roll after roll of wrapping paper! 

Over Christmas break the boys also began eating something other than wrapping paper... baby cereal.  It has been really fun to watch them learn how to anticipate the spoon and open their mouths.  They really enjoy eating, and I am looking forward to feeding them baby food soon!

I promise to post a video soon of them eating- it is super cute!

Our first Christmas as a family was great!  Happy New Year!