Friday, November 18, 2011


Hi!  First, and foremost I must apologize for taking so long to update this blog!  I have often intended to post something, but despite my good intentions, it just never happened.  So, blog followers (if their are even any left), I am sorry.  I will get better at updating- I promise!

Okay on to the boys... they are growing like weeds.  They are both walking.  Tyler started at 13 months, and Austin at 14 months.  Now that they are mobile lil men, things have gotten really interesting (for lack of a better term).  They have opinions, agendas, and they are generally always busy.  Long gone are the days when we could entertain them for hours with a rattle... now they play with "big boy" toys. 

Austin has discovered his love for cars.  Everything is "car."  I actually think he walked later than Tyler because he was too busy pushing cars around to realize he could stand.  Last night, Joey bought the boys new matchbox cars.  He told them that they could have them when they finished dinner.  Austin immediately gave me the sign for "all done" and demanded to get out of his high chair.  He wanted the car!  You would have thought we gave him a the world.  He was so appreciative and excited to receive a new matchbox car.  He tried to bring it to bed with him.  First thing this morning, he grabbed his car and held it while he drank his bottle.  I think his reaction really warmed Joey's heart, and it is safe to say Austin will be getting many more matchbox car surprises from Daddy. 

Tyler, on the other hand, is really into dinosaurs.  My favorite thing is when he says "Dinosaur!"  He gets so excited, and adds a little growl to the word.  If you ask Tyler what a dinosaur says, he will roar.  It is too cute.  There is a show on TV called Dino Dan.  Actually- come to think of it, it is really an odd show about a little boy who 'sees' dinosaurs.  Despite its oddity, A & T love it!   They watch it every afternoon that they are with Grammy and Pappy. Pappy has even started to record it for them so they can watch it whenever they choose.  (Part of my thinks Pappy also likes the show- but he says he is recording it for the boys).  A & T have even started to ask for the show... they say "Dino Dan!" whenever we turn on a TV.

Both boys are starting to talk.  They say nose, eyes, ears, head, hair, shoe, car, ball, mommy, daddy, tractor, train, etc...  I was told that by 15 months toddlers should know about 5 body parts.  Of course my competitive side got the best of me, and I had to make sure they knew well over 5 body parts.  I quiz them daily.  Whenever they properly identify the basics (eyes, ears, nose, hair, head, teeth), I throw a tricky one in there- like knees... ha- 5 body parts pleeeaazeee... we are up to almost 10. Just kidding- I am not that crazy, but seriously...

So enough jabber.  Time to post some updated photos!
Tyler- so big!

Watching Dino Dan!
Morning run with mom.

Austin- he is so big!

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