Thursday, August 5, 2010

Introducing... the Perpetua Boys

Well the Perpetua boys are here!!!  On July 27th at 10:34pm and 10:40pm respectively, Austin Laird (Tank- 7lbs 3oz) and Tyler Joseph (Dozer- 5 lb 9oz) were born.  I was induced early Tuesday morning, and after a short labor (a great epidural), and some pushing, the boys made their grand entrance into the world.  In one short week, our lives have completely changed, and the boys have taken officially over...sometimes I feel like I was run over by a Tank and a Dozer!

Between late night feedings, constant diaper changes, and soothing, Joey and I have really gotten to know and love these two little peanuts.  They already have very different personalities.  Tyler is our little comedian.  He keeps us laughing with his over the top expressions and furrowed brows.  Austin is our little pooper- no seriously... that boy can clear a room.  On a recent trip to the doctors office- in one half hour, we had four poopy diapers between the two, and Austin farted straight for about 30 seconds.   Fortunately the doctor had a good sense of humor, and laughed through the entire fart.  Poor doctor- we left her office smelling like a rotten egg. 

I could tell story after story about the boys, but I think the best way to summarize the past week is in photos... so here it goes...

Austin just born

Austin and Daddy

Tyler just born

Boys in the Nursery, Tyler on the right and Austin is on the left

First family photo

Boys meet their grandparents

Trying out their bed
Boys meet their friend Cullen (Cullen is 2 1/2 months old)
Austin's first bath

Daddy with his hands full- literary

Today we had a professional photographer come over and take some pics of the little guys... here is a preview- taken with my camera.

Photo shoot

Some other photos...

Austin in a fedora

Tyler has sideburns like daddy!

WOW WHAT A WEEK!  Both Joey and I are so blessed.  We are both completely and utterly overwhelmed with love.  I cannot even believe the amount of love I feel for these guys.  It is simply indescribable. 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, they are just precious! I can't wait to meet them!!!
