Sunday, May 9, 2010

27 Weeks Pregnant

I am huge! I can't believe I have 11 more weeks to go!
Each baby now weighs about 2lbs, and is about 14.5 inches long. Which means I have 4lbs, 29 inches of baby in my belly! WOW! I get another ultrasound on May 17th to check their growth. I can't wait to see them again.
On Monday night, I got a peak at them. Both of their heads are right by my left lung- which explains the pain. The doctor said they are head banging each other. When I asked if they could hurt each other, he told me no- but I can't help but worry. They still have a little room to move around, but with twins they end up running out of room a lot earlier than with a singleton pregnancy. We will see where they are next Monday.
I have been drinking tons of water to try to stay hydrated- I hear it is the best way to keep from going into preterm labor. Well to mix it up a little, I have been drinking sparkling water. The carbonation from the water gives both babies the hiccups. The other night, my stomach was going in all different directions! It was crazy. I have learned to lay off the sparkling water before bedtime. It is hard to sleep when your belly is bouncing!


  1. You look fantastic!!! Gorgeous mommy! We enjoyed dinner tonight.

  2. You look great! If you are bored with water - try Starbucks shaken iced tea lemondade! So good!
